Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Prestigious Liebster Award

We are super excited to announce that we were nominated by the ladies over at The Macadames for the prestigious Liebster Award. This award is for new bloggers like us to get a little bit of recognition in the world-wide blogosphere. So let's jump in!

Questions from the Macadames:

1. What made you decide to take the plunge and start a blog?

Meg- I thought a blog would be a great way to keep up with our friends and family while away on our trip. I also have always been interested in travel journalism, so this was a good way to try out that world for a bit.

Nicki - We were planning on going on this trip anyway so we figured why not? And this way my Family (mother) can check up on me and make sure I'm alive without having to call me every 5 minutes.  Plus I think it'll be really nice to look back at once our travels are over. I don't keep a journal or anything of the sort, so this is basically my travel diary that I'll have forever. 

2. What fears did you have before starting out?

Meg- It is always a bit scary to head out on a new adventure, but we wanted to share our experience to show other people that it really can be done and seeing the world isn't really as hard as you think!

Nicki - The only fears I had were about leaving my family and job back at home.  I didn't really have any fears about the blog. I was a little self-conscious in the beginning, I'm not the best writer. But now I figure it's more for myself, and if other people like it then great! and if they don't oh well...

3. What is your favourite thing about being a blogger?

Meg- I love taking pictures and recalling our adventures. I've always been a big journaler, so this feels like an extension of that.I also LOVE sharing tips about traveling in the hopes that it will help others to have a smoother more fulfilling experience.

Nicki - Sharing my pictures and experiences with everyone. When I studied abroad I came back with hundreds of pictures but not so much information because I had forgot most of it along the way.  This way the experiences are fresh and everyone can follow our adventures in real time! It's much nicer. And not having a 9-5 job to go to is pretty nice too.

4. What do you dislike/find the most challenging about being a blogger?

Meg- Anytime I go anywhere I am always thinking about an angle for a story, it's hard to turn it off and just enjoy an experience.

Nicki - Since I don't have computer with me sometimes it takes me all day to organize a post and it is hard to stay up to date with all of our adventures. It's almost like a job... But once I finish the posts I feel proud and accomplished, much more than I ever did at any of my jobs.

5. What’s your favourite post?

Meg- I love Vienna it is a great city! I also really enjoy writing the wine reviews, it's a great excuse to drink wine, because it's research, right?

Nicki - I can't decide I love both of our posts about Provence (Meg's & mine) but I think the post I enjoyed writing the most was Champagne & Caviar.

6. Did you start your blog in the hopes of it turning into a career or do you only see it as a side project or for fun?

Meg- I would love for this to be a career.

Nicki - We did not start it out that way but I think now that I've started blogging I will always blog.  I would love for something more to come of it but if nothing ever does I think I'll be ok with it.

7. Where do you see/hope to see your blog in 5 years?

Meg- On the cover of Travel and Leisure or Traveler  (Hey Anna)

Nicki- In 5 years I hope that we will still be living the dream, traveling and blogging.  We may have to get real jobs to support ourselves at some point, but I hope that won't affect the blog in any way.

8. If you could have dinner with any celebrity or historical figure (dead or alive), who would it be?

Meg- Queen Elizabeth the First, or Kate Middleton, or J.K. Rowling, I clearly have a British thing. 

Nicki -  Audrey Hepburn.

Our Nominees for the Liebster Award:
  1. A Blonde and her Passport
  2. Pizza & Champagne
  3. Allie Takes on the World
  4. DC Repatriate
  5. Two Boldly Go

Our Questions:
  1.  What is your #1 item you can't travel without?
  2. What's at the top of your Bucklist?
  3. Where has been your favorite place to visit?
  4. What do you find hardest about traveling?
  5. What are some of your favorite/inspirational blogs you follow?
  6. What's your favorite thing to blog about, or your favorite blog post you've written?
  7. Why blog?
  8. What do you do to keep busy while traveling? (besides blogging) 
  9. What have been some of your favorite reads this summer 2014?

Nominees: Please leave us a comment on this post once you have answered all these questions. We'd love to read your responses!


  1. Hi girls. Great response. Glad we got to get to know you a bit more. Keep up the good work and enjoy your time away. Try to "switch off" whenever possible! I can't wait to see where else your travels take you.

    Anisa - The Macadames. xx

  2. Hey loves! Thanks for the nomination! I am in a class for my day job right now but I will get it done as soon as possible. Love following your adventures in Europe! Take care! XO
